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Raksha Bandhan

Let's be honest, who needs a superhero when you have a sibling who is always looking out for you? Happy Raksha Bandhan, folks! Put on your matching rakhis, grab a mithai, and pamper your loved one with a unique gift hamper from Box Stories!

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Are you ready for a nostalgic trip down memory lane? Because today we're talking about Raksha Bandhan, the one day of the year when brothers everywhere hold their breaths and hope their sisters don't tie them up too tight with those rakhis!

For the uninitiated, the word "Raksha" means protection, and "Bandhan" means bond, and together, Raksha Bandhan symbolizes the bond of protection between brothers and sisters. It's like the superhero version of siblinghood, where sisters get to be the sidekicks and brothers get to be the heroes (or the other way around, depending on who you ask).

Legend has it that this festival started way back when a king was going to battle, and his sister tied a ‘rakhi’ on his wrist to protect him. And just like that, a tradition was born! Traditionally, we celebrate Raksha Bandhan with rakhis, sweets, and of course, the eternal promise of protection (or at least the promise of not pulling each other's hair).

Raksha Bandhan is not complete without gifts. Picture this: it's the day of the festival, and your sister has just tied a rakhi on your wrist, making you officially obligated to protect her for the rest of your life (or at least until the next Rakhi). What do you do next? Of course, you would want to give her a great memory in the grab of a gift. Won’t you? Gifting is an inextricable part of any celebration and Raksha Bandhan is no exception. This is where Box Stories comes into play. With years of curation expertise, we are privy to what makes gifts stand out. That’s why we have put together some amazing gift hampers that you can bestow your sibling with.

Traditionally, it’s the brothers who give gifts to their sisters on Raksha Bandhan as a symbol of their love and protection. And let's be real, who doesn't love a good gift? From sweets and chocolates to cakes and flowers, there's no shortage of options for pampering your sister. And to all the sisters out there, you don’t have to stop with just the rakhis. You too can spoil your brothers silly with some luxury gift hampers from Box Stories.

So let's raise a glass to the best superhero duo out there: brothers and sisters! Happy Raksha Bandhan, folks!

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