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We know how much women love their hair. Don’t lose any by stressing over what gift to buy your partner. Allow us to don the thinking hat for his upcoming Birthday, Anniversary, New Job, or Solo Travel (Trust us, he has been planning it for ages!)

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There is no point beating around the bush. We do go over the top – Well! most of the time and that is how we function best. When it comes to giving your boyfriend a super cool luxury hamper, you are in very good hands (a little collar lift…yes!).


Most men (*conditions apply) love to take care of their appearance, so we have some great grooming kits with pamper-worthy products to give them a terrific makeover. And if you are someone who wishes that your beau needs to ‘up’ his grooming game, don’t miss one of these premium kits.


And now that you know we go overboard, imagine our struggle in restraining ourselves from loading your box with delicious nibbles, nutties, munchies, and crisps. It has become a full-time job these days because we want to indulge your loved one to the best of our ability. And with such a wide range of premium goodies to choose from, you simply can’t blame us.


If you are thinking of his special interests, hobbies, and what would tickle his curious mind, we can still pitch in with some great choices. And not to forget our ever-growing number of curated goodness that will make you go ‘oh! this one’ or ‘maybe that one too?’

We are not done yet. How about a nice finishing touch with some classy aesthetics to package and present the hamper? From wicker baskets to designer boxes, we have some great options that are sure to ‘wow’ him and you.

It could be a special occasion that you want to make memorable or for no reason other than to just evoke a smile, we get it. Leave the curation to us and we will fill in for you with much thought and effort that you both will remember for years to come.

Amazing gift

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