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Best Wishes

Hold on to your hats folks, because we are about to send some serious good vibes and positive energy your way. We hope your future is as bright as your Instagram filter, and your problems as small as share market disclaimers. Enjoy our ‘Best wishes’ that come in a box.

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We see many ups and downs in life and through all that, if there is one thing that holds us together, it is hope. If you know someone who is chasing a cherished dream or staunchly following their heart and you want to do your bit as their personal cheerleader, here’s the deal. Be a part of their story by bestowing a unique gift hamper from Box Stories. It’s just a click away, but they are sure to walk away with a cherished memory.

When we say ‘wide range of’ we understand you might not always be convinced of it. But the fact of that lies in years of experience and confidence in our curation. We take pride in giving you only the best that care and consideration can buy.


Here's to embracing the unknown and diving headfirst into something new. May it bring excitement, growth, and unexpected opportunities for you or your loved one. Celebrate the unknown with known reinforcements that come in our fabled gift hampers – Gourmet chocolate, snacking delights, designer drinkware, and refreshments. You can also step it up with our cocktail essentials kit - Drive those blues by bringing friends together for a much-needed dose of encouragement.


Self-treat or gift someone with some self-care goodies, planner essentials, or personal grooming kits to boost morale and elevate confidence for what’s in store.

So not just at the start, our gifts can also come along for the arduous journey ahead. They are sure to serve as a great reminder of the warmth and friendship that one can always fall back on.


Be it your loved one’s promotion, graduation, wedding, retirement, housewarming, new business venture, travel, or any other personal or professional achievement, Box Stories is there to help you put together the ideal gift box to convey your earnest wishes.

Amazing gift

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